Locala Health and Wellbeing is a social enterprise – but what does that mean?
Social enterprises work like traditional businesses but do not have profits or shareholders. Instead any money left over is reinvested or used to create positive social change. They create employment and reinvest their profits back into their business or the local community. This allows them to tackle social problems, improve people’s life chances, provide training and employment opportunities, support communities and help the environment.
For Locala this gives us the flexibility to tailor our services to meet the needs of our communities - and any financial surplus is re-invested back into supporting patient care, and our local communities. We can also invest in our local area through initiatives such as the Locala Community Fund.
A simple guide to why social enterprises exist as part of the NHS can be read here
As a provider of community healthcare services, it is vital that we have an active and involved membership. Membership helps us to understand the needs of our local communities and ensure those needs are met.
Becoming a member of Locala is completely free and can make a big difference.
We have two different types of members:
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