
Intermediate Care

Intermediate care is an umbrella term for a range of services that deliver short term care, support or rehabilitation to patients who have suffered a sudden onset of ill health.

We bridge the gap between hospital and home, helping patients recover more quickly, so that they can cope in their own home and so prevent unnecessary admission to hospital or premature admission to long-term nursing or residential care.

Planning what will happen when you leave us, starts with you and your family during our first conversation with you. This means that you, and those who care about you, are fully involved in setting your rehabilitation goals and planning your discharge from the get go!

Within Locala we have a 40 bed rehabilitation centre at Ings Grove House. We also have access to nursing beds across Kirklees.

IMC Rehabilitation Beds

Ings Grove House and Moorlands Grange are units for adults who have been assessed as needing rehabilitation for a short period of time. If you have been referred to either it could be for the following reasons:

  • you are medically stable but need a bit of extra rehabilitation to cope at home
  • you are not coping at home due to recent illness but want to remain independent.

You will receive 24 hour support and care from the team. Therapists will work with you to ensure that you become more independent and can carry out day to day activities. You will be encouraged to participate in rehabilitation on a daily basis. This could be individually with one of the therapy team, or in a group environment with the other residents.

Discussions about your future will also take place with you and members of your family, so that we are able to look at the options for you to return home and what support you may need when once there.


To access this service patients must be referred by their GP or another health care professional.


Reablement is a short-term, time limited and intensive service which aims to support eligible individuals to learn or re-learn daily living skills, to increase confidence and to regain as much independence as possible. 

Reablement involves setting outcomes for each individual and then supporting them to take positive risks within a creative reablement approach to meet their outcomes

The purpose of the service is to prevent, reduce and delay the need for ongoing longer term social care services, and also prevent the unnecessary hospital admissions whilst maximising the individual’s independence. 


Referrals can be made via Gateway to Care or by accessing the KILT referral form. by clicking here or using the button on this page.


The team at Ings Grove House can be contacted directly on 03330 436245 (between 8am-7pm) and 01924 489324.

The team at Moorlands Grange can be contacted directly on 03033 309799 (between 8am-7pm) and 01484 661451.

What Our Patients Say

“They want to know how you feel. You have to do it at the end of the day. They can only tell you.”

“Rehabilitation is to help us recuperate……to help us go forward not backwards.”

“The people who work here adopt an approach that works for the individual patient. They want to know what matters to the patient.”

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