It is always a good idea to have a spare one most insulin pens are available on prescription from your GP.
First check batteries if they need replacing these are free from the manufacturers. You should contact your GP in the first instance for a replacement, or if you know the meter make is you can contact the company's customer service team.
These are available to collect at your diabetes annual review or diabetes clinic appointment. You can also use the contact the number at the back of your diary and ask the company to send you one out.
These are available from your GP practice. If you are registered with the diabetes specialist nurse they can provide one for you.
People with diabetes drive and do have insurance. Contact the DVLA or Diabetes UK for up to date information or speak to your doctor or nurse.
Ask your GP or practice nurse to refer you to DESMOND, (this is a national one day course provided locally for people with Type 2 diabetes).
Diabetes UK has up to date information on their website. If your first language is not English DESMOND BME is designed for you, and if you have had diabetes for a long time there is DESMOND ongoing.
A healthy balanced diet is recommended to everyone. Diabetic food products are expensive and unnecessary. Speak to your dietitian or nurse. You can contact Diabetes UK for further guidance as well.
Please speak to your diabetes specialist nurse or GP first as you may need some specialist advice.