
Children's Speech and Language Therapy

Information for professionals

If you are a professional considering referring a child to the Speech and Language Therapy service please note the following:

For Communication referrals you will need to take these actions before making a referral (see download lists below for documents):

  1. Download and complete our Screening Tool to assess the child
  2. Use the service criteria and its RAG rating to complete your screening assessment.

You will need to upload the screening tool as part of the referral process if the assessment shows a referral is appropriate. 

For Stammering and Voice or Eating, Drinking and swallowing referrals please see the information below before starting a referral.

Note: If you are just looking for resources to support a child in your care, please go back to the Parents and Carers Advice page and select the section for the relevant age of the child. 

Referrals for Communication support: 

Please use the links below to download the relevant documents and complete before making a referral.

These criteria and screening tools will identify what support you can give the child in your setting and what advice you could offer to parents / carers.

They are designed to support referrers in deciding when to refer to the Speech and Language Therapy service (SLT). 

If a child scores a green rating, this suggests that their speech, language and communication skills are developing within the expected range. However if you would like some additional advice  on universal strategies and targeted interventions, this can be found here.

Children who score an amber rating will require support with their speech and language development in their setting and at home. You should look for advice on universal strategies and targeted interventions found here

Children who score a red rating will require support with their speech and language development in their setting and at home. You should look for advice on universal strategies and targeted interventions found here and make a referral to Speech and Language Therapy Service.

Please note: you will need to include a copy of the completed screening tool on your e-referral. 


Children aged 18 months to 2 years

1. Criteria RAG rating

2. Screening Tool


Children aged 2 years to 2 years 11 months

1. Criteria RAG rating

2. Screening Tool


Children aged 3 years to 4 years 11 months

1. Criteria RAG rating 

2. Screening Tool


Children aged 5 years to 6 years 11 months

1. Criteria RAG rating

2. Screening Tool


Children aged 7 years to 11 years

1. Criteria RAG rating

2. Screening Tool


Children aged 11+

1. Criteria RAG rating

2. Screening Tool

Referrals for Stammering and Voice

Service Criteria  (stammering)

Service Criteria (Voice)

For Stammering and Voice referrals please contact us on 0300 304 5555 to arrange for a team member to call you to complete a referral.




Referrals for Eating, Drinking and Swallowing (dysphagia)

Referral criteria and form