
Post Covid MDT (Multi Disciplinary Team)

What is ‘Post Covid’ or ‘Long Covid’?

‘Post Covid’ or ‘Long Covid’ is a new disease and is a set of symptoms that develop following an infection consistent with Covid-19 and continues for 12 weeks or more.

Many people living with Post Covid were previously fit and healthy.  There are over 200 listed symptoms which can occur in variable combinations. There can be flare-ups and remissions (when symptoms get better for a while) and current health conditions can be made worse.

What are the most common symptoms

  • Fatigue or extreme exhaustion
  • ‘Crash’ – extreme exhaustion following a simple activity. Feeling like you have run a marathon when you have only walked a few steps. This can last for varying lengths of time
  • Problems with memory and concentration
  • Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties

And all the above often result in anxiety and stress……

What are the less common symptoms?

  • Hair or teeth loss
  • Pain
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Dry eyes

Many of the symptoms experienced by those living with Post COVID are very similar to those of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

What is Locala doing to help patients with Post Covid?

We are working in partnership with the Local Authority and Mental Health services to support local people affected by Post Covid symptoms.

We have established a Multidisciplinary Team ‘The Post Covid MDT’ with our partners. This team will support the co-ordination of Post Covid patients, who have had symptoms for 12 weeks or longer, and have been referred by their GP or hospital. The Post Covid MDT will refer people to those existing services that can best meet their needs.

The Post Covid MDT has representatives from;

  • Locala Community Healthcare
  • Improving Access to psychological therapies (IAPT Team)
  • Kirklees Council (Wellness Services/Social Care)

How can I get help from the Post Covid MDT?

You will need to speak with your GP about your symptoms, as we can only accept a referral via your GP.  Your GP will discuss this with you and offer suitable tests or investigations to try and ensure that it is Post Covid Syndrome and there are no other underlying issues.   Your GP may also be able to suggest ways to help you.

What can the Post Covid MDT do to help?

  • Sign post to useful resources and websites to help with self-management
  • Listen to what is important to you and help tailor rehabilitation depending on your symptoms and preferences and what is important to you
  • Refer to services to support you to manage your symptoms
  • Coordinate your care and review your progress at specific times

What the Post Covid MDT can’t do

  • Diagnose Post Covid Syndrome
  • Complete medical assessments or screens – this needs to be done by your GP
  • Carry out investigations such as Xray’s, blood tests, spirometry etc
  • Refer to other medical specialities such as Neurology or Cardiology
  • Fast track your care with other services

If you experience any worsening of symptoms or new symptoms please contact your GP.

Can I access any other professional help?

Adult Wellness self referral
01484 234095

IAPT self referral
01484 343700

Gateway to Care
01484 414933

Occupational Health Services 
Via your work

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