
Medicines Optimisation

What is Medicine Optimisation?

What is Medicines Optimisation?

Medicines optimisation helps individuals to obtain the best possible effect from their medicines. To be effective, medicines must be taken as directed, however the efficacy of certain medicines can be affected by food, drinks, other medicines and even the time of day you take your medication. Medicines optimisation can advise you about this and also how to avoid or minimise side effects to help you take your medicines as intended, with minimum disruption to your normal life.

Questions you can ask about your medicines

To get the best out of your medicines it's useful to have any questions you may have written down. You can ask your doctor, Pharmacist or nurse about your medicines.  You can find more information and some useful guides about what to ask from The Patient Information Forum, including a special guide to use with children.  The information found on this site is available in a number of different languages.