
Community Rehabilitation Service

We are a multidisciplinary team which provides treatment, rehabilitation, advice and support to people living in Kirklees. The purpose of the team is to help you achieve your goals in relation to daily living and quality of life.

Community Rehabilitation Service includes:

  • Frailty and Orthopaedics
  • Community Stroke
  • Complex Neuro and Disability
  • SaLT and Diet

You may be offered advice over the phone, treatment in your own home, or at a health centre near to where you live.

Community Stroke:

This service supports patients following a new Stroke and provides therapy in the home environment following discharge usually from hospital (Stroke ward) to rehabilitate the patient after the event and improve the patient’s quality of life without delay.

Complex Neuro and Disability:

Provide a comprehensive multi-disciplinary assessment by physiotherapists and occupational therapists. Direct internal links with speech therapy and dietetic services who can get involved if required.

Neuro Rehabilitation – MND, MS, Parkinsons, Huntingtons, Chronic Fatigue - CFS/ME

Palliative/EOL care – pathways that link with specialist nurses/regional co-ordinators for MND and Huntingdon’s

Long Term Management – This service supports any patient with a Long-Term Neurological Condition including MND , PSP, progressive MS, PD.

Frailty and Orthopaedics:

Multi-disciplinary team delivering orthopaedic, falls and frailty assessment and subsequent rehabilitation. We support complex hospital discharges and transfer of care from START, reablement, discharge to assess and intermediate care beds.

Referrals come from various sources: GP practices, hospital wards, hospital out-patient clinics, MSK services, self-referrals, social services, care homes, mental health services, care agencies, hospice and internal referrals from other Locala services (eg community nursing).

Falls –Falls practitioners see patients who have unexplained falls which may be medically related. The service is designed to reduce the risk of further falls and ensure a falls management plan is in place.

Palliative Care (South Kirklees only) – deliver holistic assessment of palliative care needs for patients who are end of life with non-neurological conditions.

Vascular (South Kirklees only) – Patients who undergo vascular surgery at specialist centre plus new and existing amputees. We deliver pre-operative home visits, access visits and rehabilitation regardless of whether the patient will be a prosthetic limb wearer or not.

Elective Orthopaedics (South Kirklees only) – provide support to patients who have had total hip replacement, total knee replacement.

Parkinson’s (North Kirklees only) sit within the frailty and orthopaedic team as this is where the skill set lies.

SaLT and Dietetics:

We work with adults with acquired conditions who have difficulty with their communication and/or swallowing, as well as their family members and carers.

These difficulties may be due to stroke, acquired brain injury, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, other progressive neurological conditions or respiratory conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Stammering Support - North Kirklees only

Dietetics - Provides nutritional support and advice for patients who are housebound or require seeing in a domiciliary care setting including Care Homes. Includes HEN team, outpatient diet team (gastro & Diabetes), CHST dietician and IMC beds.


To make a referral, or to speak to an Community Rehabilitation colleague, please contact Single Point of Contact and make a referral and/or request a call back.

Clients must be over 16 years of age, medically stable and registered with a Kirklees GP.

Any health or social care professional can refer. Referrals may also be made electronically via the Locala website or SystmOne.

Please note: Due to the high demand there may be a wait for this service.

What if I cannot understand or have special needs?

We have access to interpreter/signing services should you require them and we would be happy to accommodate any special needs if we can. If you have not already told us please arrange for someone to ring or write so an interpreter can be arranged for your first visit.

Professions in the team

Our role is to advise and support you and your carers, provide health related information and education, and nursing care as appropriate in a rehabilitation arena.

Our role is to aid you to regain strength, stamina, improve mobility and independence with daily tasks by means of an exercise programme. This may be supervised or carried out independently.

Occupational Therapists
Our role is to increase independence in everyday tasks. This may be in a variety of ways, such as helping you to regain everyday skills, providing equipment, supporting you with work skills and helping you cope with memory or anxiety problems.

Speech and Language Therapists
Our role is to diagnose and give advice on communication problems and/or swallowing.

Our role is to assess and advice you about your dietary needs in relation to your rehabilitation programme.

Rehabilitation Assistants and Assistant Practitioners
Our role is to assist and support your programme of treatment as directed by the qualified therapy staff. All our rehab assistants have received competency based training for the treatments they undertake with you.

Falls Practitioners
Our role is to assess the reasons why you may be falling and make recommendations about how you can minimise your risk of further falls.­

Professional staff are all fully qualified and registered with the relevant regulatory body.

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