
Health Visiting

Online Resources

Infant Mental Health

What is infant mental health and why is it important?

Our Kirklees families tell us that “Infant Mental Health is about Improved Mindfulness and Happiness for you and your child”.

Parents are usually the people who provide the love, care, and stimulation that babies and children need for positive well-being. We know that parenting can be the hardest job in the world, and your baby doesn’t come with a manual.  We also know that there are lots of tips around to help you.

One of the most important jobs as a parent is to help your baby develop into a happy and well-balanced child and then into adulthood.

Please click here to view a poster designed by parents from the Auntie Pams and Home Start groups.

Infant Mental Health – Bonding with your baby before birth 


Did you know….?

A baby’s brain is developing and what they learn and experience in these early years is known to be really important. It helps them to develop the essential skills they need for life. The relationships that babies have with adults and other children have a big impact on how they go on to understand the world around them.

Every time you interact by talking and smiling and singing and focusing on your little one, even for a short period of time, helps their brains get switched on and helps them to grow and develop and learn about positive relationships.

Positive experiences between you and your child are important.

Becoming a new parent is exciting, but can be overwhelming too. Lots of new parents experience a whole range of feelings as they settle into life with their new baby. It is easy to forget to look after yourself, but it is actually very important for you to look after your own wellbeing, for you and your baby. There are lots of things that you can do to support your own wellness. Follow the links for some ideas to try:

Resources for new parents

50 things to do before you're 5

Taking care of yourself

A WRAP Plan (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) is for you to write down what works for you to support your mental and emotional health. Use the links above to help you to think about some ideas.

Click here to download a copy of a WRAP plan that you can print and complete.