
School Nursing

Relationships and Bullying

If you’re being bullied, you may feel isolated or frightened. You may find it hard to make friends or to talk to people your age. You don’t have to put up with bullying.

Bullying happens in every school, in every age group. It is one of the hardest things to talk to about, but this is the only way you can make it stop.

People are bullies for lots of reasons, sometimes they have been bullied themselves. Even adults can be bullies; when adults are aggressive, controlling or make people scared at home this is called domestic abuse (bullying at home). For some young people in relationships their partner might be a bully - this is also domestic abuse. Whatever the reason, you don’t deserve it.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it’s the first step to resolving a situation that’s not acceptable. Everyone has a right to feel safe at School and home. You don’t have to handle the situation alone. Tell someone you trust, such as a parent, carer, teacher or friend. If you feel you can't talk directly to any of these people, write them a note. If school know that you are being bullied they can stop the bully being around you sometimes. If you ask the adult not to say anything to the bully, sometimes they can stop the bullying without the person knowing that you have told someone about it.

Useful advice if you are being bullied:

  • Keep a record and save any nasty texts, emails of Facebook messages you have received.
  • If possible stay away from the bullies, or stay with a group when you don’t feel safe.
  • Ask your mates to look out for you.
  • Try not to fight back, you could get into trouble or get hurt.
  • Ask your School about their anti-bullying policy. This tells you what your School should be doing about bullying.

Tell someone what is happening to you

At times adults might need to talk to someone if they're worried about you being harmed by someone else. They will always tell you first before they do. Remember by telling someone you have not done anything wrong. 

If you want to talk to someone that doesn’t work at school, you can speak to your School Nurse. Tell your teacher that you would like to speak to your School Nurse and we can come and see you on your own.