
School Nursing



Childhood allergies are on the increase. Common allergies in children are; food (peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat and fish); pollens from trees and grasses; house dust mites and insect stings. These are known as allergens.

  • diarrhoea or vomiting
  • a cough
  • wheezing and shortness of breath
  • itchy throat and tongue
  • itchy skin or rash
  • swollen lips and throat
  • runny or blocked nose
  • sore, red and itchy eyes

In a few cases, foods can cause a very severe reaction (anaphylaxis) that can be life threatening. If you think your child is having an allergic reaction to a food, seek medical advice. Talk to your family doctor GP, who may refer you to a registered dietician.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction. Your Doctor will diagnose an allergy or you might be referred to a clinic for allergy testing. If you are found to have a severe allergy and are at risk of anaphylaxis your Doctor might prescribe you an epipen (or other emergency devices). These are pre-filled syringes containing adrenaline and a concealed needle. Your Doctor or Nurse should advise you on how and when to use them.

School Nurses train School staff to recognise anaphylaxis and how to administer the medication. For all children and young people with allergies, we work in partnership with schools to ensure that an individual healthcare plan is in place to advise staff on what to do if an allergic reaction occurs. Your consultant or GP prescriber is responsible for completing your child's health care plan.

Click here for the British Association for the Allergy and Clinical Immunology website

For advice and information on allergies, anaphylaxis or epipens please contact your School Nursing Team.

Your prescriber will write you a care plan according to whether your child has a mild or severe allergy.

Useful Links

Allergy UK

Food Standards Agency

Allergies - NHS