
Nail Surgery

We provide corrective nail surgery for ingrowing and/or curved painful toenails. An initial assessment will be carried out to decide whether surgery is the correct option. Surgery will be carried out under local anaesthetic. Some patients may not be suitable for this type of treatment, this will be discussed with you on an individual basis.

What is nail surgery?

Removal of the nail or a section of the nail under local anaesthetic. The nail root can be treated so the removed nail does not regrow. There are 2 types of nail problems that can benefit from this procedure:

Nail is painful because it is growing abnormally ie thickened/curved/fungal/. The skin is not broken and there is no infection of the surrounding skin and soft tissues.

The nail has broken the skin causing a wound, there is inflammation/ weeping/ swelling/ bleeding/ infection of the skin and soft tissues surrounding the nail. (This is commonly known as an ingrown toe nail).

Self-help advice for nails growing abnormally:

Information on Thickened Toenails

Fungal Nails

Ingrown Toenail causing a wound/infection

If you have tried the self-help advice above and your problems have not been resolved click here to complete a referral for nail surgery.