
Adult Speech & Language Therapy



What will happen when I first see the Speech and Language Therapist?

Our initial contact will always be by phone. The therapist may carry out a range of assessments to identify what your difficulties are. Following this, specific treatment or advice may be given to try to support you. We will work with you to set goals and achieve outcomes.

How long will I receive treatment?

This depends on the kind of difficulties you have and their severity – it might only be for a  one-off session, or you may be offered more sessions. You might be seen every week or less frequently.

Where do we see people?

Out-patients: Patients might be seen by our team at Local Health Centre for either individual and/or group treatment.

Home visits / Care homes: Some people might be seen at home or in a care home. This is at the discretion of the speech and language therapist and is dependent on the nature of the person’s difficulties and their health. Most of our contacts are now virtual either telephone or video.