
We are safeguarding stars!

We’re delighted to say that Locala has been awarded the prestigious ‘Leaders in Safeguarding Award’ for our Safeguarding work across all our services – and Locala is only the second health organisation to be accredited with the award.

A group of Locala colleagues were involved in the Leaders in Safeguarding robust and vigorous external audit last month and we were really pleased to confirm that we were successful in meeting all the required standards. The following response was received from the auditors: ‘You can be confident that your safeguarding arrangements have been thoroughly examined by the Leaders in Safeguarding Scrutiny and Validation Panel and comply with our exacting standards’.

The auditors met virtually with a variety of corporate and frontline colleagues, including the Director of Nursing, AHPs and Quality;  external partners; and service users; scrutinising our governance arrangements, policies and safeguarding related meeting minutes.

They have made some recommendations on how we can improve things even further and those will be considered in due course by our safeguarding Executive Lead.

Organisations who are approved for the award are entered on the Leaders in Safeguarding Register and are entitled to use the Leaders in Safeguarding logo. The award lasts for two years from the inspection so ours will run until December 2022.