
Moving into Adult Services

It isn’t always easy having to leave services that have supported you throughout childhood, but there is a point where young people need to move into, or “transition” into adult services. We aim to make this move as easy and as anxiety-free as possible.

What is transition?

Transition is the term healthcare services use to describe the process of preparing to move from children’s services into adult services. 

Transition is a gradual process that allows you and everyone involved in your care time to plan and discuss your healthcare needs as an adult. By getting actively involved in your transition will help you to feel more confident and happier about the move.

Who needs to transition?

Any young person with a long-term health condition who requires their care to be continued into adulthood will need to go through transition.

Why do I have to move?

As you get older your healthcare needs change. In adults services there are adult-trained specialist doctors and nurses who are best placed to meet your needs.

What to expect in the adult service?

Some things will be different in adult services, what to expect will vary depending on the specialist service. It is important you discuss your move with your named healthcare professional so you feel fully prepared for the move. The main difference will be the amount of independence you will be given e.g. your healthcare professional will discuss your health needs with you directly rather than your parent or carer, you may choose to start going to appointments alone, giving you greater control over your own healthcare. 

What support is available?

  • Your named healthcare professional is here to support you through your move into adult services. If you are over 16 yrs and transition hasn’t been mentioned, ask about it at your next appointment.
  • The useful links on this page will direct you to information about other services that may be useful during your transition journey.
  • We have created a set of transition tools designed to support you to prepare for your transition.